The Greek ACTUP, this time Insurance theft.

It’s hard to find somewhere that can teach you to be this STUPID, but surely somewhere, there is such a place. I’m guessing that someone had to open the door to let these f*ckwits in as the sound of them bouncing off the door would have gotten on peoples nerves after a while. . .

Read More The Greek ACTUP, this time Insurance theft.

Support NGO’s not the ‘Malakas’ who abuse them. . .

“Yes, of course it drives you mad, often I’ve myself even contemplated walking into these government offices wired to the max and putting us all on the moon, but I persevered, sometimes even found it either funny or enlightening, as the many things you witness can cause a greater inspiration, but also, whilst doing this I’ve met some great people and seen those who do want change, who are mad and doing something too.”

Read More Support NGO’s not the ‘Malakas’ who abuse them. . .

An Ode to Kostadis. . .

People moan about the State stealing your money and Insurance and causing you problems, well I had three of the arseholes doing it to my face and then slandering me for the privelege of defending myself.

To say I sympathise is an understatement.

Read More An Ode to Kostadis. . .

Suffering from HIV or Aids, good, F*CK YOU and take a number. . .

– Business as usual, and that’s what it is. A Business.

Have Aids, F*CK YOU take a number, HIV problems, F*CK YOU, take a number, dying becuase you’re not being fobbed off by the latest pharmaceutical bullsh*t your paid off Doctor is trying to sell you, F*CK YOU, take a number. . .
Confidentiality been sold down the river and in danger of being manipulated by a sector who prey on people becuase they have HIV, Aids, F*CK YOU, take a number, afraid your medical details will be used by anyone for anything, F*CK YOU, take a number and last but not least, unhappy that the state isn’t doing enough to help you, then why not visit a bogus NGO and in the meantime, why not go F*CK YOURSELF while you take a number.

Read More Suffering from HIV or Aids, good, F*CK YOU and take a number. . .

You don’t get much better hypocrisy than this!

Having approached numerous similarly connected, affiliated or ‘so called’ responsible NGO’s who deal with these people, the inaction suggests that maybe quite a few more people should be investigated before people are allowed to put their trust in them.

Especially those who’s lives are or can be affected by a halfwit pretend Doctor giving you potentially life saving information which he found on the back of a cereal packet.

P.S. You’d probably fare better with what’s on a cereal packet!

Read More You don’t get much better hypocrisy than this!